Do you play racquet sports? Tennis, squash, racquetball or badminton? In the event that you do, you may discover the game is challenging for your knees. Racquet sports are the absolute most prevalent games on the planet and focused matches are played even at a develop age. Since racquet sports are so quick paced and troublesome on the knees, injuries can happen whenever and at any age. A portion of the world's most noteworthy tennis players have gotten some much needed rest or resigned from the game because of knee injuries.

It's not astounding: as a tennis and squash player myself, I have been to some degree unpleasant to my knees previously: there is simply so much contorting, turning, altering course and lurching! More or less, the individuals who play racquet sports are known to be at a higher danger of damage because of the interesting requests on their knees. All in all, what would you be able to do to forestall or diminish the danger of knee injuries?


Our knees are fundamental when playing tennis, squash, racquetball or badminton. The knee must persevere through huge powers (from pretty much every edge!) for an all-inclusive timeframe. These powers happen from the quick beginning, ceasing, curving, turning and speedy alters of course associated with racquet sports. Playing at a quick pace requires fast and exact developments that put a considerable amount of strain on the joint.


Jumpe's knee (officially known as patellar tendonitis) is the most widely recognized sort of knee damage among competitors in racquet sports. Jumper's knee is torment in the ligament that appends the kneecap to the highest point of the shin. Tendon tears are likewise regular among racquet sport competitors. Tendon tears are usually experienced when ceasing, beginning and rapidly altering course. These quick developments put outrageous powers on the knee, which can bring about torn tendons (most ordinarily anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and medial cruciate ligament (MCL) tears). Meniscus tears can likewise happen because of bending, rotating, decelerating rapidly or abrupt effect on the knee. So how might we diminish the danger of damage?
Find out pretty much all potential reasons for knee torment on the facade of the joint

Reducing Risk of Injury

There are a wide range of methodologies that competitors can take to decrease damage. With legitimate preparing, extending and chill off after exercises, the possibility of knee damage is significantly diminished. This incorporates:

Regular stretching and strengthening of the leg muscles: To guarantee the knee is working beneficially and productively, it is significant the leg muscles around the knee, for example, the quadriceps (upper thigh) and hamstrings (back thigh) are solid and adaptable. Careful warm up and chill off when physical action: It is significant that the body is heated up and prepared to go, which can diminish the opportunity of muscle and tendon tears during exercises (tennis, squash, badminton, racquetball) and a chill off will facilitate the muscles toward the finish of athletic exercises.

Agility and flexibility training: Broadly educating to improve readiness and adaptability can help improve procedure on the court, and subsequently, help your game and diminishing the opportunity of damage.

Footwear is key: Wearing proper agreeable footwear is one simple approach to decrease the danger of damage. Great court shoes are level footed and have underpins for your foot and lower leg to help forestall slipping, falling or moving over lower legs.

On the off chance that you experience any indication of torment in the knee, drop the weight from your knee and pursue the R.I.C.E (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) strategy for quick recuperation and alleviation. On the off chance that you think you've tore a tendon or accomplished something different genuine to your knee, look at our other blog entries on knee damage and make sure to counsel with a physiotherapist or specialist. Remaining dynamic and playing a game that you cherish can be exceptionally fulfilling, make sure to remain safe and damage free on the court.

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